Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Romney for President

Ok, it's time to be realistic and get behind one candidate that has a chance of winning and actually has experience in running something! After the Fl. loss to McCain I believe we need to rally around Mitt Romney and do our best to see that he gets the Republican nomination. We definately DO NOT want McCain in the White House. He may as well be running on the Democratic ticket. We stand to lose so much if he gets the nomination. So-- it's time to think and not be narrow minded. I do not believe that Gov. Romney's religion will interfere with his governing. PRAY that God will have mercy on America again. I truly feel that McCain will not be a mercy to US-U.S.
That's my political statement!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Well, I thought I'd let you know how my attempt at sourdough bread went. It turned out really well-even Aaron liked it! He's being very patient and knd about the new things being introduced to our food line. our diet has changed dramatically in that I grind fresh flour, soak the grains for easier digestion and assimilation by the body, eat grass-fed beef,pastured pork, chicken and turkey and fre-range eggs and drink raw milk.It's all soo goood! Yes, this does cost more but, we're not getting all the hormones and chemicals that is in most foods. There is so much scarey stuff going on with the food supply that I am convinced if people only knew they would raise a real ruckus and get some things changed! Anyway- enough of my soapbox!
Tom will soon be preparing his hives. He's going to raise bees this year. He had a few hives when we were in Fl. and that was a lot of fun so, he's familiar with the process- it's just a bit different here since we have such changes in seasons. We hope it goes well.
O the subjuct of Tom- he goes for an MRI Tues. on his back and leg. Since been back from Fl. he has developed pain, numbness and burning/raw feelings in his right hip and leg. He has gotten some teporary relief from the chiropracter but, the Dr. needs to see for sure what is going on before doing any further treatment. Hopefully it's something that can be corrected easily. We don't need any surgeries!
We do hope there is nothing but good news from all of you! Have a great day!

Friday, January 18, 2008

I finally got a couple pics of my mom's party posted. She's lot's of fun-especially as she's gotten older!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A new post

I thought I'd better write something! Life is proceeding and changing. I will be changing part of my job in 2 weeks. I'm quitting the plant care job for another that I think will be easier on me physically. It's only 2 days so it will just replace the plant job.Hannah is coming along well. Of course there are so many cute things out there to buy for the new One but, I'm going to be disciplined and not buy til he/she is here. Well, except for a few things Hannah might need or want for the room. I don't like the fact that we won't be able to be near enough to really form much of a bond with the baby but, then I think of those parents that send their children off to some foreign field and don't get to see them for looooong periods of time. At least it will be easier to visit Fl. once in a while than it would be to travel across the world.
I am trying a new sourdough bread recipe- I hope to have some baked tonight. Fresh bread is always so good! Some good butter and honey! Ummmmmm! I'll let you know how it turns out.
We celebrated my mom's 83rd birthday the other night. It was nice and we always have a good time. My mom can be quite the gal anymore! I'm thinking we could start our own Red Hat club!
Have a great day! Til next time---

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma

I know -we don't seem old enough to be grandparents! he-he It's quite exciting yet a little hard to realize that Tom and I will be grandparents in May! That was the news we got on the escalators down to get our luggage at Orlando airport! Great Christmas gift! Hannah is doing very well. We had an enjoyable time while there-did some work for them and enjoyed Christmas day with some of Andy's family. Hannah got a nice Christmas gift- she felt the baby move for the first time! As much as Hannah would like me there for the birth and as much as I'd love to be there- this is one big event I don't think I'll make it to. However- I do plan to go down as soon after the baby comes as possible! Like I heard a lady say on the plane- she was coming to Cinci from FL. for her Grandma fix! Anyway- Tom and I are looking forward to this time in our lives- even if we don't look the part!!!!