Monday, December 3, 2007


YES!!!! Tom got a good size doe Sat. eve. She's now hanging in the garage for a few days so the meat will be nice and tender. I'm so glad he got her- I'm looking forward to some delicious, wholesome meat. I think I'm going to try some new ways to fix it. There are a lot of venison recipes on the web to choose from. However- I like to keep it pretty simple. Simple but good!
I actually did get a new camera-unfortunately the pics will not upload to the blog. Tom has to fix this for me and then I can post all the pics I have.
BTW- I enjoy seeing the decorations in other peoples homes. I have some pics of mine that I'll hopefully get on soon.
Enjoy the holidays. Keep it simple-you'll never regret not having all the hassle!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Yea for Daddo!!!!