Monday, February 4, 2008


Are you getting nervous about Super Tuesday, yet? I am! If Romney doesn't do well, we're in trouble. The more I read on McCain-being an awful pilot in the navy(killing 150 civilians, trashing about 5 planes), dumping his 1st wife because she got broken in an auto accident while he was in Vietnam(she kept it from him thinking it would be to hard on him while there) and marrying his mistress 1 month after the divorce, getting his command position in the navy-not by earning it but, because his father and grandfather were Admirals--not to mentuion the McCain/Feingold, McCain/Kennedy, lies and dirty politics against Romney. this goes to show that he even knows he can't win on his own merit. I know Romney has changed positions on some things but, they seem to be real changes, not just for the sake of politics. He also did all he said he would do when he became Gov. and the economy did grow steadily-not blow up-but, steadily. As for him being a Mormon-Harry Reid is one, too--so I think he should be ousted since it might just have a bearing on his thinking and the way he votes-when he shows up to vote.
Yes, I'm very concerned about the elections. I sort of feel that if we get either one of the Dems or McCain that it will kinda be the beginning of the end of mercy for the US. That's just me, though.
Now, on the the etc.-- We will be needing to change the family picture this year.
Hannah and Andy's baby will be here by the end of May- we hope-and Nathanael is planning to marry Becky Pearce on June 28. So, a new picture will be in order.
As for Nathanael- he will be reporting to WA. in about a week. That is where he'll be for approximately 5 years.
Aaron is home and trying to heal right now, He has something out of place in his back so, he needs to get fixed up befor he can proceed with military. I must say- I'm not that anxious for him to go.
Make sure you vote in your primary( whenever that may be for you) and pray for the outcome to be one of mercy!
Have a great day!!

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