Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Tom and I are going to be moving again come the first. We'll still be around Dayton, just in another place.
As some of you know, we were robbed about a month ago when Hannah and Chastity were here. We thought there was no damage to anything until I was cleaning the room Hannah stayed in--getting it ready for their family visit. I saw wood pieces on the floor and eventually the remnants of a bullet! When Tom got home we got to looking at it all and realized that whoever robbed us must have been armed. They had taken a shot or 2 into the bed! Maybe they thought someone was in there???? We'll never know. It put holes in everything clear through to the floor. Needless to say, I moved Hannah and family over to another room.
This in itself is a good reason to move but, we had planned on it anyhow.
Later, I'll post some pics of the new place--it's alot smaller but, we're excited about the change.


Marea P said...

Glad you all were kept safe!! I would be inclined to move ,too!

Marie said...

Wow, that is frightening. I'm glad no one was there when this happened. I hope you like your new home :)