Saturday, June 2, 2007

6 Days and counting!

Ok, the list is getting pretty well done! Andy's family is on their way and plan to be in Weds. Andy and his aunt Esther will fly in Weds. eve. Marriage license will be gotten early Thurs. morn., dress picked up and taken to the church, church decorated Thurs. afternoon, food taken to my sister for HER to prepare!Let's see--then there's Fri.--we plan to have the reception room done BEFORE rehearsal, rehearsal dinner at 5:30, rehearsal started by 6:30-6:45 and hopefully done with rehearsal by 9 or so! Oh, the best laid plans of mice and men!! Nathanael will be flying in Fri. and gets to stay till Sun. Oh! hey! my bedroom is even cleaned!! Hannah is pretty well all packed up and ready to go, so--now--what will I do with all the stuff when it's all over? Hmmmm. Good question! Anyway- that's what is happening here. Just busy, busy. We do hope to be able to sit down and relax a bit before the wedding. I think if it all goes as planned we'll be able to. I can't believe it yet. It's really here and Hannah is going to be a married woman in just 6 days! Tom and I are so thankful for Andrew. He's a wonderful young man who we believe will be a great husband, provider and leader. Next post will most likely be after the big day!

1 comment:

Greg & Stephanie said...

Come on, Connie! The wedding was, what, 10 hours ago? Shouldn't you have some pics posted by now?
Hey, I'm kidding. Everything was beautiful and you guys have to be exhausted. I'm sure you won't be posting for a few days, so until then...