Friday, September 19, 2008


Last weekend when Tom and I were in Dayton, we ate at a very eclectic restaurant.The food was good and the dessert was great! I can't remember what the waitress called it but, it was a chocolate lava cake. Tom really liked it so-----last night I surprised him with it! I know this is so bad--sugar and white flour! then add the Breyers icecream!--oh, my. It was a hit with Tom, though. It will be one of those few and f-a-r between treats!


Hannah said...

looks oh sooooooooo yummy! Send me a bite?

Marea P said...

It looks QUITE yummy. Now I'm craving something chocolatey (a Mareaism). I have finally started a blog, especially since I wanted to correspond with my brother and sister-in-law while they were in China getting my new nephew. He is such a cutie, and is doing quite well in adjusting (he's 20 mths. old).
I have been reading your blog and many others for awhile and now like having the option of responding to you.
Take care! Marea