This week has been busy getting things ready for Tom while I'm gone. Can't have him going hungry!
I leave early Sun. morning for Summertown , TN for a week of midwife assistant training. I'm looking forward to learning the skills and being able to assist some midwives in our area.
I'll be driving the beetle so I should fit in pretty well-at least that's our joke. The place I'm going to is actually --or should I say, was--a "hippie colony" from the 60's. They have since reformed some of their ways . One of the premier midwives in the country is there and women come from all over the world, literally, to birth their babies there. So, I feel I'm getting some of the best knowledge and training out there.
As a side, I have recently gotten a job working with elderly folks. I enjoy this , too. I find elderly people interesting and a lot of times, in need of someone to pay attention to them. So---I am working on both ends of the spectrum of life. That will prove to have a lot of emotion, I think.
Have a great day/week and I'll look forward to catching up when I get back!