Monday, April 30, 2007


I couldn't say anything until after the fact on Hannah's trip to FL. because Andy's does check this blog sometimes and I dared not ruin the surprise. She flew out Fri. morning to surprise Andy and spend the weekend there. She took all her curtains for the house and some other decorating things thinking she would add some finishing touches and make the place look homey. Well, when she and Andy got to the house they found it was being flooded from a broken pipe under the sink! Ugh! Needless to say, she did not hang curtains. They will have to replace some flooring and possibly the bottom kitchen cabinets. Thankfully, the new linoleum had not yet been laid. By the way, she surprised him at his office. He said he loved the surprise! I think he was getting kind of Hannah sick (home sick) to see her! They are down to 39 days! That means we really have to pull it all together-soon! No, really, we're doing ok in that area.
So far, Nathanael is still set to graduate May 18. We will be spending the weekend there since he will have liberty for the entire weekend. Once he's in school he should be able to come home some weekends.
Aaron is back at work and settling back in at home. I don't know how I'll do when all my kids are out and on their own. I know I'll miss them! Hopefully they won't all be so far away I'll never get to see them except at Christmas! I know- life will go on!
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine! I think Spring has officially arrived!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm glad to hear they caught the leak, just not that there was one. I hope she still had a good time.

How was your weekend? I pick up my keys to the new place tomorrow and I'm getting so excited. Tell Tom his dinner will be coming soon. ;)