Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Time to post!

Time is ticking right along and I'm still not done with my projects! It usually takes me awhile. I can say that I'm half done with the kitchen makeover and- I must say- it's looking quite nice. Everyone who has seen it likes it. I would much rather be home doing things there instead of working out. I'm not one that "needs" that outlet, I guess.
Well, with fall here that means deer season and hopefully a nice deer or 2 for the freezer! Tom did get a shot at a doe- he figured her to be about 200 lbs.- but it was a bit too windy and must have blow the arrow off just enough. He's going camping/hunting this weekend in Delaware State Park. His cousin's husband, which he has never met, is coming in from vermont and wanted Tom to take him hunting while the cousin visits with Granny. Should be interesting. I hope the effort pays off with a nice deer. Doe or buck- doesn't matter to me -(you can't eat the antlers) but I know all guys like the bucks!
We plan to be in Chicago next weekend for Nathanael's graduation from A school. He will then get his orders and wherever he goes he will complete C school there. That will focus on the particular job he will be doing. He hopes to get on a communications ship- better chance for advancement there. He's done a great job and God has helped him through it all.
My camera broke suddenly so I haven't/can't post any pics. I still hope to remedy that soon!
Good day to all! Enjoy the lovely fall weather!!

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