Monday, October 1, 2007


Ok-I can't say that I'm a real interesting person but, since I've been tagged I'll give it a shot.

1. I've lived in 4 different states since being married-of which Alaska is my favorite.

2. I am # 9 of 10 kids. Yes, that did mean I had it easier than the older ones! After all those kids a parent is bound to be a bit tired by the time they get to 9 & 10!

3. I like a variety of decorating-right now I'm concentrating on the shabby chic and northwoodsy.

4. I used to enjoy riding a motorcycle. Now, I don't think I want to ride one unless there is no other traffic!

5. I enjoy having a large family- when we all get together there are over 100 of us. That's just my immediate family!

6. I always thought it would be fun to own a restaurant.

7. I've been with my husband-who I think is a fun, neat and loving man- for a total of almost 27 years. 24 of those as his wife.

Well! I did it! I guess I will need to TAG someone. I tag Hannah Heintzelman, Laura Heintzelman and Rebecca Pearce.I don't think I know anyone else with a blog that hasn't been tagged!



Hannah said...

since i've been tagged; what am i supposed to do?!

The Sayler Family said...

I enjoyed learning more about you through this "Tag Game"! Happy Fall!