Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ok- so I must confess--I'm becoming what is referred to as a birth junkie! As I become more educated in this field I am also becoming more passionate about birth and the process of it. It is a beautiful thing and every birth is it's own story.
While I am committed to natural birth and educating my clients and friends about it, I do know there are times when intervention is absolutely necessary. For Hannah we all agreed that whatever needed to happen would be ok. She was committed to a natural birth but, with the test results from the sonagram at 41 wks. showing low amniotic fluid, we knew we were possibly running some risks by waiting the full 42 wks. So--she chose to go to the hospital for an induction. If this would have led to a c-section because of risk to the baby, she was ok with that. She wanted what was best for the baby.
Natural birth is a world that is largely unknown by the medical profession. Many doctors and nurses have not witnessed a natural child birth and therefore do not understand the process. While we are the greatest country on earth and I'm very thankful for all the technology, unfortunately, birth is one area that has been turned into a medical procedure instead of the natural process that will take care of itself, so to speak, if left to take its course. Again, thank God for technology when needed.
Note: I will be posting tidbits of information on medical procedures and natural childbirth, because I find it very interesting and informative. That's also my new profession. I welcome comments and questions! It's always fun to have a good discussion.

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