Friday, June 13, 2008

Yes, she has arrived!

After many false alarms and much waiting, Chastity Ruth Heintzelman made her grand, and I mean grand, entrance into our world. She was literally a BIG surprise to everyone! Becky, Nathanaels wife, won the guess as to the weight-she said 10 lbs. Grandpa Downer got to attend the birth via Skype-not the messy stuff but, he was on during the end of the pushing and the big announcement. He liked that pretty well! Nathanael and Becky have gotten to see her via Skype,too. Aaron won't know she's even here or what she is til' next week due to being in boot camp. We all think she's just beautiful and the hair!! she has a FULL head of golden hair! Needless to say, I'm enjoying what little time I have with her. After being here a month, I'm leaving for home on Sun. Hannah would like for me to stay as we had originally planned-when we thought she'd be born earlier! but, Tom and I have a cabin booked for our anniversary and I need to be home. Tom has been a true jewel-he's been so very patient! I'll be happy to be home with my hubby and into my garden. I hope it won't need too much work!!!
Going to end this and change Chastity-have to get it all in while I can! Check out Hannah's blog for some pics- I'll post some later.


Verla said...

There is nothing like being a Grandparent. The grandchild can do things that your children were never allowed to do and get away with it.
Congrulations Grandparents

Anonymous said...

Congratulations...I have been keeping up to date. Wendy Daugherty