As thanksgiving is upon us I find I have so very much to be thankful for--we all do--even if at first glance it seems we could find more to complain or lament about.
The saying--just getting out of bed in the morning being something to be thankful for is very real. Think of those who can't or never will again. Yes, we can be very thankful if we can get out of bed in the morning-especially if we can do it without help.
I thought I'd just list some things I'm especially thankful for --not just on Thanksgiving but, every day. I hope you find just a minute to stop and think and be truly thankful for all your blessings--even those in disguise.
Now, my list:
Christ and all His provisions and GRACE! Without Him and His help and grace, I would truly be destitute. He is so AWESOME!!!!! And He knows!!! That's enough.
My wonderful husband who loves me, makes us his highest priority, works hard for us,seeks to be godly, loves his children (and grandchild), and the list goes on......
For my children . All of them are safe. I'm glad they choose to have a relationship with us and for the love we share.
I'm thankful for the prospect of us all being together in January.
For my large family and extended family. It's great to all be able to get together at the holidays. There always seems to be a new baby or two!
My marriage--this may sound like a repeat but, with satan wreaking havoc on so many marriages, I am thankful--oh, so thankful--for Tom and our marriage. He is an absolute gem and I'm so thankful God saw fit to bless me with such a man.
For life. We recently lost a dear friend-only 55 or so.A perfectly healthy, godly man, suddenly snatched away from family and friends through an accident. we never know our time--to be ready without a moments notice is the most important thing!
I know I could go on and on but, these are o few of the prominent things. I'm also sure your own list could go on and on and on..........
Enjoy the holiday and make some memories that will make you smile when you think of them on down the way!